Saturday, January 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Could it be? Have I found a replacement teething tablet?!?

So when my Kiwi twins G and E started teething at 3 1/2 months old I was taken more than a little off guard.  I was totally unprepared for the two of them to be teething so early.  We tried the Baby Oragel - YUCK! Not a good fit for our family, the twins screamed even louder after applying it and after trying it on my gums I realized why. (now I try everything on myself or my husband before giving it to them) Their reaction plus the concern over the ingredients causing some numbing in places other than the gums I needed another alternative. I called a friend who I go to when I need advise and she suggested Hyland's Teething Tablets .  So, I rushed out and bought a bottle.  They were awesome and safely got us through the teething with very little fuss which was amazing looking back on it now.  You know that well known commercials "never leave home without it" well this was my "it".  Then before Kiwi O was born I heard that Hyland's had participated in a voluntary recall.  My reaction...NO!  Well my dear sweet baby O started teething at 3 months and my husband and I rationed out the part bottle that I had left.  Today is the day I realized there were only 3 left, AH!  So while I was out renewing my drivers license in town I stopped by Walgreen's remembering once that I had seen another Homeopathic remedy similar to the Hyland's product.  I looked on the shelf and to my great relief I saw them, Humphrey's 100% All Natural Teething Relief Pellets.  Oh was I happy, I promptly put a box of them in my basket and went straight to the counter.  I came home to a hungry and teething baby O, so after a nursing session and a clean diaper we tried them and they are great!  They don't dissolve quite as fast as the Hyland's tablets but I am very happy.  I hope this isn't a one time deal but I am cautiously optimistic this will be what gets us through the Hyland's drought.

About Me

Cambridge, MN, United States
I am a at-home mom of beautiful twin girls born in Feb 2009 and a daughter born Feb 2011. I really enjoy my life and work hard to do the best I can for my children (a.k.a. the "kiwi's"). I breastfed my girls exclusivly and followed that with homemade organic solids. They love it and I love making it for them! I want to not only share my experiences with breastfeeding, natural baby care and organic homemade baby food but look forward to some great interaction with others on the topic. Let me know what you think - I am always looking for new ideas!